One of the most satisfying and fulfilling aspects of my new path helping teachers reduce their stress and improve their self-care is the joy I get out of traveling around and sharing the message of focus, simplicity, and tranquility whenever I do a Zen Teacher workshop.
Since 2015, I have done Zen Teacher workshops in New Jersey, Texas, Oklahoma, California, and Mississippi. Every time I do a workshop, I am reminded that the concept of teacher self-care is SO MUCH bigger than me, and my mind is continuously blown by how hard teachers are working around the nation, how much they deserve peace and tranquility, and how much they are not getting it.
I am now booking Zen Teacher workshops into and through the summer. I currently have specific openings between mid-June and early August. If this sounds like something that your school or district would be interested in, you can inquire about my availability by filling in the contact form on the Workshops page of this site, and I will get back to you with my availability and a quote.
The Zen Teacher workshop will show you a 5-step blueprint for using Zen-inspired techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, Beginner’s Mind, compassion, gratitude, subtraction, space, gratitude, non-judgment, and self-care to achieve a greater sense of relaxation, peace, and control in the classroom.
This workshop is based on–and includes concepts, anecdotes, and activities–from my books The Zen Teacher: Creating Focus, Simplicity, and Tranquility in the Classroom (DBC, Inc. 2015) and Sanctuaries: Self-Care Secrets for Stressed Out Teachers.
My workshop will show teachers how to:
Act with intention
Accept what is
Be present in The Moment
Focus on The Now
Show compassion
Pay attention
Live Mindfully
Create space
Reflect and meditate on their practice
Detach from expectation and embrace the “teachable moment”
Value Self-care and Self-compassion
Here is a snippet from the introduction to THE ZEN TEACHER book that explains why I think Zen Teacher workshops are both necessary and helpful:
“In the last decade, I’ve seen a number of excellent teachers break down, crash and burn, or leave the profession as a result of the stressors they’ve encountered at their schools or in their classrooms and also because the current chaos and imbalance in our industry. . .These are the reasons that I began what I call The Zen Teacher Project. It is my hope to show teachers how to maintain a sense of peace, focus, and simplicity in the face of the obstacles and problems facing the modern American educator so that they can not only survive, but thrive in the classroom.”
If this sounds like something you or your teachers need, feel free to contact me through the contact form mentioned above and which can be found here, and we’ll chat.
But don’t just take MY word for it.
Here is what some other edu-leaders have said about The Zen Teacher Workshop:
“Dan’s message of mindfulness transcends the classroom. He inspired our teachers to take time for themselves because that simple act ultimately helps them better serve their students. His sage advice was just what our dedicated teachers needed.” –Dr. Brad Gustafson Elementary Principal, Minnesota ”Dan Tricarico not only provides clear examples for establishing everyday mindfulness, but allows participants to identify their own personal life stressors and establish intentional practices for self-care. His relaxed presentational manner is appropriately coupled with opportunities for participants to practice various types of mindfulness and meditation activities. Participants walk away with strategies that enhance their classroom environment as well as their daily lives.” –Lloyd Day The Learning Center of North Texas
So if you’re a school or a school district, it’s imperative that you understand how critical it is to take care of your most precious resources, your teachers.