I’m thrilled to announce that my book THE ZEN TEACHER: CREATING FOCUS, SIMPLICITY, AND TRANQUILITY IN THE CLASSROOM will be published by DBC, Inc., owned and operated by Dave Burgess of “Teach Like a Pirate” fame. As you know, Dave has been rocking the educational book biz, and so I’m stoked to be in the great company of his other awesome teacher/authors. The book is currently in production and is scheduled to be released in just the next month or two, so keep an eye out!
THE ZEN TEACHER: CREATING FOCUS, SIMPLICITY, AND TRANQUILITY IN YOUR CLASSROOM contains many Zen techniques, concepts, activities, and insights that can help you create a greater sense of balance and calm in the classroom and in your life. It has chapters on mindfulness, meditation, beginner’s mind, non-judgment, paying attention, space, silence, radical self-care, as well as many other helpful topics. Some of the concepts I’ve covered over the last year in my blog, but plenty of the material is new and original and will help you on your journey toward personal and professional peace.
Publishing a book is nothing short of a lifetime dream come true, and the fact that I now get to couple it with my new passion—taking care of teachers like YOU!—I just couldn’t be happier!
I’m really looking forward to the opportunity to share this path with you in a way that you can hold in your hands and incorporate into your personal lives.
I’ll keep you posted, but I would love to hear from you if you have any comments or questions.
THE ZEN TEACHER: CREATING FOCUS, SIMPLICITY, AND TRANQUILITY IN YOUR CLASSROOM contains many Zen techniques, concepts, activities, and insights that can help you create a greater sense of balance and calm in the classroom and in your life. It has chapters on mindfulness, meditation, beginner’s mind, non-judgment, paying attention, space, silence, radical self-care, as well as many other helpful topics. Some of the concepts I’ve covered over the last year in my blog, but plenty of the material is new and original and will help you on your journey toward personal and professional peace.
Publishing a book is nothing short of a lifetime dream come true, and the fact that I now get to couple it with my new passion—taking care of teachers like YOU!—I just couldn’t be happier!
I’m really looking forward to the opportunity to share this path with you in a way that you can hold in your hands and incorporate into your personal lives.
I’ll keep you posted, but I would love to hear from you if you have any comments or questions.
Thanks for listening.
P.S. I can’t wait for you to see it. Like all of Dave’s books, the cover is going to ROCK!
P.P.S. My newsletter subscribers were the first to hear about this, so to get the news first, sign up here.