Beginner’s Mind means not being shackled to old thoughts and ways, but being open to new possibilities. It is the art of seeing things freshly, as a novice. You can always go back to your old ideas, your past impressions, your biases. But what if you came from a place of discovery and receptivity?
With Beginner’s Mind, try to:
–Arrive at the moment from a place of innocence.
–Be like a child: Embrace the wonder and awe in front of you.
–Be willing to NOT be an expert.
–Eliminate pre-conceived notions: Don’t assume you know how things will turn out.
–Remember what it’s like for your students to see things for the first time. Lean into that.
–Be focused on what’s right in front of you. Live THIS moment. Not the last one or the next one.
–Ignore the status quo. Fearlessly go where you need to go.
–Trust your intuition. Have faith.
–Empty the cup of your own opinions. Be open to possibilities and alternative outcomes.
–Be unafraid of failure.
–See each time as a New Journey. Because it is.
–Be a new learner, even when doing something you’ve done a million times.
–Let the new moment be what it is. Approach without judgment.
–Embrace “I Don’t Know.” (Often when people say they know, they don’t. They’re just relying on past
impressions and opinions.)
–Be unafraid of starting over.
–Cultivate curiosity. Ask yourself “What if?”
–Be awake to The Now.
–Understand that “Not Knowing” will bring you closer to your objective. TZT