PictureAngela Watson, co-creator of FINALLY FREE

Hey Zen Teachers,I’m super excited to share a brand new resource with you, one that I hope will serve you and help you reduce your sense of stress, lower your anxiety, and improve your Self-Care.

For nearly a year I’ve been working on a project with Angela Watson, host of The Truth For Teachers Podcast, creator of The Cornerstone for Teachers website and the 40 Hour Workweek Club, and author of the book AWAKENED.

We kept hearing that teachers were experiencing high anxiety and serious overwhelm and we thought, “how can we help?”

​So we created a new resource for you to overcome those challenges and roadblocks.



This toolkit has 10 audio lessons (over THREE HOURS of content) that you can download and listen to in the car, on your phone, while walking the dog, while working out.

You don’t even have to be sitting at your computer to learn and enjoy.

In these lessons, Angela and I are the helpful and soothing voice in your ear encouraging you, inspiring you, and showing how to shift your mindset to reduce the anxiety and reduce or remove the overwhelm.

Use FINALLY FREE to transform your teaching experience into something more positive and uplifting.

The 10 lessons are:

Module 1: Freedom from comparison
Listen when you’re feeling not good enough and comparing yourself to others.

Module 2: Freedom from pressure to do more
Listen when you feel like you’re drowning and can never do enough.

Module 3: Freedom from worry over students
Listen when you’re worried about not being able to reach a student or prevent failure.

Module 4: Freedom from regret
Listen when you’re replaying all the things you should have done differently.

Module 5: Freedom from perfectionism
Listen when you’re overthinking things and making your work too complicated.

Module 6: Freedom from busy-ness
Listen when you can’t shut your down mind and relax.

Module 7: Freedom from guilt
Listen when you feel guilty about letting others (including your family) down.

Module 8: Freedom from overwhelm
Listen when you’re feeling behind and have no energy to get back on track.

Module 9: Freedom from urgency
Listen when you’re unable to focus because so many things are demanding your attention at once.

Module 10: Freedom from self-neglect
Listen when you’re putting yourself last and need to make time for self-care.


Each lesson starts out with Angela sharing ideas and strategies, then I share some ideas and strategies, then we wrap it up with some takeaways and an activity or two that you can use to apply the stuff we talk about in the lesson.

The way FINALLY FREE is organized, you CAN use it like a regular course and listen to the lessons in order, but it’s also helpful to think of it as a toolkit–meaning all you need to do is listen to the lesson that deals with the issue that you’re struggling with at the time.



Listen to Lesson One and decide if FINALLY FREE is right for you.

Here are some awesome BONUSES you get, if you decide to take the leap:

  • An audio excerpt from Angela’s book AWAKENED
  • An absolutely gorgeous workbook and written transcripts of all the lessons.
  • A collection of beautiful images with quotes for inspiration! Hang in your favorite spots! 


I have a personal bonus for my readers and followers here. If you choose to enroll in FINALLY FREE in the next week, you will get a promo code for a FREE enrollment in my SELF-CARE 101 video course, which is usually $59. You’ll get it for free , BUT THIS BONUS EXPIRES ON WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20TH.  For this bonus, when you enroll in FINALLY FREE you will see a promo code for Self-Care 101 course on the “Thank you” page.

I’m very excited to offer you this course, and I told Angela that if I hadn’t helped CREATE the Course, I’d be TAKING it!

I’m THAT proud of it and THAT sure of its success in conquering anxiety and overwhelm!

So check it out and if you have any questions, you can comment below, email me at teachingzen@gmail.com or find me on Twitter at @thezenteacher.com.

One thing I’ve learned in the last couple years is that I REALLY love helping teachers and I’m so excited about the FINALLY FREE audio course because I know teachers are going to love it and I know it will help you find some peace.

Thanks for your time and attention and thanks for everything you do for students.

We need you.

Peace and love,

Dan Tricarico and Angela Watson