In a world that’s loud, busy, and full of stuff (looking at you, junk drawer), finding a calm corner for meditation can feel like an Olympic sport. But fear not! You don’t need a Pinterest-worthy setup with artisanal candles and a $200 meditation cushion. All you need are the 5 S’s: Stillness, Silence, Space, Subtraction, and Slowing Down.

Let’s start with Stillness. This one’s about more than keeping your body from fidgeting like a teen fidgeting on a first date. Stillness means carving out a moment to just be. Choose a spot in your living area where you won’t be interrupted, even if it’s a nook by the window or that forgotten corner behind the couch. And hey, if the cat joins, as long as it’s still, it counts.

Next is Silence. No, not “kind of quiet except for the dishwasher” silence—real, blessed quiet. Turn off your notifications, mute the world, and revel in the simple absence of noise. It’s like a spa day for your ears.

Then there’s Space. Don’t stress if you don’t have a sprawling Zen garden. A small, clean area with enough room to sit comfortably works wonders. A cozy rug or a cushion can add comfort, but it’s the sense of openness that matters. And, no, your space doesn’t need to double as an Instagram backdrop.

Which brings us to Subtraction. Think of this as a decluttering challenge with a peaceful payoff. Clear away the random trinkets, piles of mail, and maybe even that chair that’s only ever used for laundry. Let your space breathe so you can, too.

Finally, Slowing Down. This is where the magic happens. Once you’ve created your space, sit, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Let your thoughts drift by like clouds and resist the urge to check the clock (or your texts).

Your meditation space doesn’t have to be fancy or picture-perfect—it just needs to feel like yours. And trust me, the peace you’ll find here will be way better than sitting in a pile of laundry.


For more information on a soothing living space meditation space in your living area, please check out this article from Apartment Guide, including a quote from yours truly.


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