Negative self-talk

An inability or unwillingness to give


Clutter in the house

No personal time

No white space on the calendar (at home or school)

No stillness

An inability or unwillingness to say “No” to unnecessary requests

Clutter in the classroom

A lack of Mindfulness (being present in The Moment)

An empty bowl of popcorn (wait, that’s just me. Never mind)

Forgetting to breathe

Eating poorly and being inactive

An inability or unwillingness to empathize

No stopping to smell the roses, watch a sunset, or listen to babies

Never shutting your classroom door

Did I mention negative self-talk?


Ignoring Nature (even in urban and suburban locales)

A  lack of music and art

An inability or unwillingness to share

No hobbies

No passion

No silence

No alone time

No love  TZT

* So to gain peace, simply reverse these.