You need not leave your room.
Remain sitting at your table and listen.
You need not even listen, simply wait.
You need not even wait, just learn to be quiet
And still and solitary.

The world will freely offer itself to you
To be unmasked. It has no choice;
It will roll in ecstasy at your feet.
                                                –Franz Kafka

How odd that such a profound expression of Mindfulness and Present Moment Awareness could be written by the same man who turned Gregor Samsa into a giant vermin.  But he did.  And he’s right, too.

You do not have to travel to India to find Enlightenment.

You do not have to become a monk or join a monastery to experience spiritual growth.

You do not have to vacation on a tropical island to find relaxation.

You do not have to go to church to speak to the heavens.

You do not have to shave your head, eat only vegetables, and hand out pamphlets at the airport in order to find peace of mind.


But sometimes you will have to stop.

And sometimes you will have to sit.

And sometimes you will have to listen.

And sometimes you will have to be still.

And sometimes you will find that last one exceedingly challenging.  

Especially in today’s world.

But do not give up.  Keep swinging.

Actually, don’t keep swinging.  In fact, stop swinging.

Just sit down.  Be silent.

And that can happen anywhere.   Anytime.

As Kafka said, you need not leave your room.  TZT