
Actual footage of how I created The Zen Teacher Mission Statement

I’ve been thinking a lot about what we’re trying to do here (and what my role is), and so I thought I would take a hint from other professional groups and write something of a mission statement.

In keeping with our “Zen” ideals, I’ve tried to keep it simple.

Behold The Zen Teacher Mission Statement:


The purpose of The Zen Teacher Project is to:

1. Offer support and community for educators who are experiencing stress and who are interested in improved self-care.

2. Provide products, services, and free content that instruct educators in reducing stress as well as how to create an intentional, individualized, and successful self-care practice.

3. Create a forum for questions, coaching, conversation, lessons, feedback, and direction relating to stress reduction or improved self-care. 

I consider this a draft.

Please feel free to help me revise this mission statement if you feel I’ve forgotten anything of if something should be different.

I invite you to make any suggestions in the comments section that you think would more adequately represent what we do here and what you need from me.

Thank you for being a part of this process that brings focus, simplicity, and tranquility to teachers in both their classrooms and their lives.

I’m so happy to have you join me here so that we can create a better, calmer, and more peaceful practice for teachers everywhere.

Peace and love,

​Dan TZT

P.S. This mission statement also applies to the closed Facebook group that now has over 400 teachers in it from around the world. You can join this incredibly supportive group of educators here.