The antidote to overscheduling and overwork is simplicity.
The antidote to dissatisfaction and disappointment is gratitude.
The antidote to fear and doubt is vulnerability and compassion.
The antidote to criticism and denunciation is non-judgment.
The antidote to narrow-mindedness is Beginner’s Mind.
The antidote to wondering and guessing is intuition.
The antidote to health issues and overwhelm is self-care.
The antidote to anxiety is breathing.
The antidote to wild and crazy thoughts is meditation.
The antidote to overwhelm and overscheduling is subtraction and saying no.
The antidote to concerns about THEN is to Be Here NOW.
The antidote to an impacted schedule is idleness.
The antidote to stress, tension, and running on fumes is taking care of you.
The antidote to suffering is detachment and acceptance.
The antidote to white noise and chaos is silence.
The antidote to clutter and overcrowded living areas is space.
The antidote to hyperspeed is stillness.
The antidote to agitation and distress is peace and tranquility.
The antidote to worrying about the past and brooding about the future is living in The Moment.
We have always known the poison.
But now we know the antidote.* TZT
*Actually, we’ve ALWAYS known the antidote, we just refuse to give ourselves permission to use it.