Part of The Zen Teacher approach is subtraction, focus, and simplicity, so I am constantly looking for ways to streamline what I do here.
To that end, I want to make you aware of a pretty substantial change that will be taking place in regard to the self-care courses I offer at The Zen Teacher Online Academy.
And I want you to benefit from these changes.
Among my self-care courses, I offer two called The Self-Care Starter Kit and Self-Care 101: Finding Time, Creating Space, and Embracing Renewal.
Effective within the next few weeks, I am going to retire Self-Care 101, add some of those videos to The Self-Care Starter Kit, add a few more goodies to the whole she-bang, and then double the price of the Self-Care Starter Kit.
But Self-Care 101 will probably never be offered again.
So how can you benefit?
Currently The Self-Care Start Kit is $27. If you purchase it now, before I take it off the platform for its extreme makeover, you will be grandfathered into all of the other goodies.*I CAN’T SAY WHEN THE $27 PRICE TAG WILL GO AWAY, BUT THIS IS A 2019 PLAN, SO IF YOU’RE INTERESTED, I WOULD ENROLL BEFORE THE END OF DECEMBER, PLEASE AND THANK YOU*
My goal is to give the most value I can in the easiest, most convenient form I can manage. But that means if you don’t buy now, when it comes back, the price will be much higher.
THE SELF-CARE STARTER KIT includes video lessons on:
*The 10 Keys to Self-Care
*Little Rituals
*A Mini-Mantra Meditation
*A Self-Care Checklist
*The connection between Mind, Body, and Spirit
It also has a 1,000 word workbook, a power point presentation called “How to be a Zen Teacher,” and an over 70 page eBook called “2-Minute Zen: Creating a more Mindful Self-Care Practice, that consists of a number of collected posts from my blog, including 5 posts never before seen on my site, and inspiration photos.I’m very excited about combining these two courses into one and thrilled with how robust the offering will be. So if you are looking for an immediate entry into the world of self-care–either because the holidays can be extraordinarily stressful or because taking better care of yourself in 2019 might be a resolution you’re toying with–The Self-Care Starter Kit might be a good place to start.
But remember: after the first of the year, it won’t be $27 anymore.
And we don’t want that to cause you any stress, now, do we? 😉 TZT
Part of The Zen Teacher approach is subtraction, focus, and simplicity, so I am constantly looking for ways to streamline what I do here.
To that end, I want to make you aware of a pretty substantial change that will be taking place in regard to the self-care courses I offer at The Zen Teacher Online Academy.
And I want you to benefit from these changes.
Among my self-care courses, I offer two called The Self-Care Starter Kit and Self-Care 101: Finding Time, Creating Space, and Embracing Renewal.
Effective within the next few weeks, I am going to retire Self-Care 101, add some of those videos to The Self-Care Starter Kit, add a few more goodies to the whole she-bang, and then double the price of the Self-Care Starter Kit.
But Self-Care 101 will probably never be offered again.
So how can you benefit?
Currently The Self-Care Start Kit is $27. If you purchase it now, before I take it off the platform for its extreme makeover, you will be grandfathered into all of the other goodies.*I CAN’T SAY WHEN THE $27 PRICE TAG WILL GO AWAY, BUT THIS IS A 2019 PLAN, SO IF YOU’RE INTERESTED, I WOULD ENROLL BEFORE THE END OF DECEMBER, PLEASE AND THANK YOU*
My goal is to give the most value I can in the easiest, most convenient form I can manage. But that means if you don’t buy now, when it comes back, the price will be much higher.
THE SELF-CARE STARTER KIT includes video lessons on:
*The 10 Keys to Self-Care
*Little Rituals
*A Mini-Mantra Meditation
*A Self-Care Checklist
*The connection between Mind, Body, and Spirit
It also has a 1,000 word workbook, a power point presentation called “How to be a Zen Teacher,” and an over 70 page eBook called “2-Minute Zen: Creating a more Mindful Self-Care Practice, that consists of a number of collected posts from my blog, including 5 posts never before seen on my site, and inspiration photos.I’m very excited about combining these two courses into one and thrilled with how robust the offering will be. So if you are looking for an immediate entry into the world of self-care–either because the holidays can be extraordinarily stressful or because taking better care of yourself in 2019 might be a resolution you’re toying with–The Self-Care Starter Kit might be a good place to start.
But remember: after the first of the year, it won’t be $27 anymore.
And we don’t want that to cause you any stress, now, do we? 😉 TZT