Welcome to THE ZEN TEACHER PROFILE. Here, experienced teachers respond to questions that explore their use of Zen-inspired techniques and concepts in their day-to-day classroom experience.If you would like to participate in THE ZEN TEACHER PROFILE, please feel free to let me know by using the contact form on the website, which can be found here, or emailing me at teachingzen@gmail.com.  I offer you twenty-two questions and you choose the ones (limit 3) you’d like to answer.

How do you attempt to “Be In The Moment” as you teach?

“Being in the Moment” for me is being self-aware.  It is about how I’m feeling, how I’m breathing, am I fearful or feeling joyful, am I aware of the people in the room with me, how I’m listening to them or am I distracted, am I curious or disengaged, am I aware of the energy in the room or am I ignoring what my gut tells me? Whenever I feel distracted I take a moment to pause, take a breath, and re-establish my focus.  I want people to feel that their participation in the educational conversation is important and that what they do matters.  When people feel they are being heard and seen, then a lot of great things happen.

What does your “Radical Self-Care” look like?

When I first wake up I take ten deep breathes and slowly breathe out, drink a huge glass of water, do fifteen minutes of stretching/yoga, journal (asking myself “What am I grateful for?”), have a good breakfast, and then get ready for the day.  At night I have a good dinner, take time for one of my many hobbies, read for one of my courses or for pleasure, journal on what I accomplished that added value for me, my family and the projects I’m involved in. I rarely watch television nor do I go on my computer at night.   On the weekends, I try to unplug taking more time with family, friends, and nature.

When has the ability to say No to something helped you in your role as a Zen Teacher as a vehicle for simplification and focus?

This is a work in progress.  I have a tendency to say yes to all the amazing opportunities that find me.  It’s tough to say ‘No’ because I’m so curious and I love learning and doing.  I’m learning to say ‘No’ to things and requests that don’t support my projects but it’s hard.  What I focus on is if I say yes to X then how will Y be affected?  I find I have more energy and enthusiasm and I’m getting the things I want done.  When I get tempted to ignore my ‘No,’ I pick up Dan’s book The Zen Teacher and get reminded that saying ‘No’ just like saying ‘Yes’ is a choice and how I choose will determine how important my ‘No’ is.

Mireille (said like Mee-ray) Massue is currently on sabbatical from a corporate education position as Global Director of Learning and Development.  She volunteers as the Social Connections moderator for the Adobe Education Trainer Community and hosts and produces the #Adobe #Author #Chats which is now the #AdobeAuthorChats attracting amazing teachers and business leaders presenting to approximately 500,000 Adobe members.